Principal Investigator

Li-San Wang, PhD
I study genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia, and computational methods for big data in genomics research.

Pavel P. Kuksa, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
I develop methods, algorithms, and analysis tools for high-throughput sequencing and functional genomics data.

Pei-Chuan Ho, PhD
Research Associate
I study social determinant of health, substance abuse and cognitive decline, environmental and behavioral AD risk factors, and gene-environment interactions.I also coordinate ACAD research activities.

Fanny Yuk Yee Leung, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
I develop computational pipelines and analysis tools for processing and analyzing Alzheimer's Disease and related dementia genetics and functional genomics data.

Wan-Ping Lee, PhD
Research Assistant Professor;
Associate Director for Information Technology, NIAGADS
Associate Director for Information Technology, NIAGADS
I develop algorithms and software for genomics data analysis.

Wei-Hsuan Chuang
Bioinformatician A
I manage files for the ADSP data release and contribute to data management efforts for NIAGADS and GCAD. Additionally, I process functional genomics data and develop analysis pipelines.

Jimmy Jin, PhD
Senior Research Investigator
I develop computational pipelines and software tools for processing, QC checking, and analyzing Alzheimer's Disease and related dementia genetics data.

Jascha Brettschneider
Data Analyst
In collaboration with fellow members of the data management team, I review and process genotype data sourced from researchers and other research facilities, getting it ready for publication on NIAGADS DSS.

Joseph Manuel
Data Analyst
I process and manage incoming data and prepare its sustainable distribution to the research community.

Yi-Jyun Huang
Research Coordinator
I coordinate ACAD administrative activities.

Luke Carter
Data Analyst
I process high-throughput functional genetics and genomics data and develop analysis pipelines and tools.

Emily Greenfest-Allen, PhD
Senior Research Investigator
I develop web-scale data management platforms for standardizing, harmonizing, integrating, and disseminating genetic data to facilitate real-time data analysis and exploration.

Flawless Robbins
Social Media Coordinator
I coordinate socials for PNGC, NIAGADS, and ACAD.

Wenhwai Horng, MCSE, VCP, ITIL, CCNA
Senior Systems Administrator
AWS Cloud and Network Management; Cloud HPC Admin and Support

Sam Tate
Application Developer
I develop and maintain websites related to the NIAGADS Data Sharing Service

Heather White, MS
Research Project Manager
I work with researchers to deposit their data with NIAGADS as well as create and organize the educational and outreach efforts for the NIAGADS team.

Alexis K. Lerro Rose
Research Project Manager / HR Operations Coordinator
I serve as the primary HR liaison for the Wang Lab, support the operational needs of the lab, as well as direct and oversee various projects related to lab and PNGC.

Otto Valladares
Information Technology Senior Project Leader / Chief Engineer for IT, NIAGADS
Cloud Manager; IT Support; Software Developer

Amanda Kuzma
Associate Director of Operations, NIAGADS
I oversee data operations for the NIA Genomics of Alzheimer’s Disease Database Storage Site (NIAGADS) as well as for multiple large consortia conducting genetic analyses.

Heather Issen
Senior Data Analyst
I manage and harmonize incoming data and prepare it for sharing with other researchers.

Naveensri Saravanan, MS
Data Analyst
I work with the Data management team to review and process data from collaborators and genotyping facilities for NIAGADS DSS!

Peter Keskinen, BS
Research Coordinator
I manage and approve data requests through DSS and NIAGADS and work with the NIH and investigators to facilitate the smooth dissemination and return of data.

Lauren Bass
Data Analyst
I process, harmonize, and distribute genetic and genomic data from ADRD research studies.

Jeffrey Cifello
Data Analyst
I develop dynamic harmonization pipelines to grow the functional genomics repository (FILER). I also provide computational support for various analyses and databases in the lab, with a special focus on integrating diverse functional genomics data types.

Youli Ren, MS
Research Project Manager
I mainly manage system security compliance project, also help GCAD team track the harmonization process of different Alzheimer’s disease relevant genetic data.

Yi Zhao
I work on genome-wide association study (GWAS), HRC and TOPMed imputation data, help on developing and maintain QC pipeline for GWAS data.

Maureen Kirsch
Research Project Manager
I manage administrative activities and projects for NIAGADS, PNGC, and ACAD.

Zivadin Katanic
Application Developer
I design and develop websites / web apps.

Prabhakaran Gangadharan
Bioinformatician A
I manage and process high-throughput DNA-Seq and functional genomics data and help with NIAGADS data management.

Andrew Wilk
Application Developer
I develop and manage databases/applications for phenotype data management and work on open-source applications for data discovery and access.
Postdoctoral Researchers

Po-Liang Cheng, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
I build imputation panel for studying Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Kaylyn Clark, PhD
PhD Candidate
I study the relationship between Alzheimer's Disease and innate immunity genetic risk

Hui Wang
Postdoctoral Researcher
I study the genetics of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and AD related disorders.